


    Impact Factor 2020


    Impact Factor 2021


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    Impact Factor 2020


    Impact Factor 2021


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    Impact Factor 2020


    Impact Factor 2021



International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal
(By Aryavart International University, India)

Call for Papers

IJIEST requests original or unpublished research papers/articles, review papers, case study and survey papers for our next issue of the Edition.

Authors are invited to submit their original or unpublished, experimental, theoretical research paper by means of the process for online submission available on our website or by email (info@ijiest.in) in the form of Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). It is a quick and easy submission process that will give your submitted articles rapid processing. Please register by filling out a simple registration form to send the manuscript through an online process and enjoy the benefits of our services.

Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers should have sound grammar and proper terminologies. IJIEST would take much care in making your article published without much delay with your kind cooperation. The manuscript must be accompanied by a signed statement that it has been neither published nor currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Before submitting the manuscript, the author should have his/her paper proofread for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the paper. International Journal of Inventions in Engineering & Science Technology (IJIEST) is a double-blind refereed academic research journal. Each manuscript would be reviewed by the editor-in-chief for general suitability. If it is judged suitable, a double-blind review process takes place by at least two referees.

The Journal is issued in electronic form (for free) as annual volume. The Journal accepts 9 types of articles defined as follows:

  1. Research Articles: A research article is a regular article which aims to present new findings.
  2. Letters to the Editor: A letter to the editor is a short article which aims to present new findings that require fast publication procedures.
  3. Notes: A note is an article (regular or short) which aims to present rather new findings.
  4. Comments: A comment is a short article that makes comments on another article already published by this Journal or replies to a comment.
  5. Review Articles: A review article is an article which aims to present comprehensively already existing findings.
  6. Lecture Notes: A lecture note is a short review article.
  7. Monographs: A monograph is a thesis of one or more authors on a unique subject; apart from the standard reviewing procedures, a monograph must be accepted from a committee of specialists appointed by the Editor.
  8. Innovations: An innovation is an article which aims to present new procedures or devices.
  9. Selected Conference articles: Upon an agreement with a conference committee, selected papers may be published by the Journal in a special section. In this case the editor will appoint in collaboration with the conference committee guest editors.